Gemlab fabricates specialty furnaces, a combination of box and muffle configuration, intended for extended soaking (weeks, months) processes at maximum 1100oC with/without atmosphere control or vacuum. They are light-weight, occupying less than 50x50mm surface area consuming less than 600W at 1100oC.
Our specialty furnaces are feather-weight, desktop furnace occupying minimum work space and it is the most economical furnace designed by Ted Themelis. The furnace can be confuigured to employs muffle attachment of unparallel versatility and impeccable design of its class not found anywhere in the industry.
Please e-mail us a configuration that you intend with the new furnace that you would fit your needs. We will reply with a quotation and see what situations we will be able to accomplish to the requested custom configuration that will suit your needs. Click here to send us an e-mail and begin the process of obtaining your new fully custom furnace.
Depending on the configuration mode up to 4.400 carats of rubies, yellow, pink sapphires, and other gemstones may be heat-treated to 1200oC in oxidizing environment (oxy, nitro or premixed oxy-nitro), or in air, with/without chemical additives or in vacuum. Reducing atmosphere can be achieved with the optional 2-gas purging atmosphere control apparatus purging forming gas (8% hydrogen) mixed with nitrogen (optional). |
- Bench-top, only 325 (D) x 320 (W) x 670 (H) mm
- Feather-weight, only 38 kgs
- Oper. temp. 1200oC (continuous); vacuum 1200oC
- Double steel shell design ensures outside furnace skin temperature below 60oC (EN661010 safety standard)
- Cooling fan ensuring continuous ventilation
Muffle attachment provides direct gas purging of gas using single-flow meter air, oxygen, oxygen/nitrogen, or vacuum.
- Single gas inlet port allows single gas purge assembly including a flowmeter, pressure gauge, on-off valve..
- Muffle alumina 99.6% tube Close One End (COE) OD=50 mm, H=305 mm
Aluminium 3-pc set flange assembly equipped with water ports for sealing hermetically the end of the alumina muffle
Molybdenum desilicide 1800-grade heating elements.
- Thermocouple port
- Precision, high stability,PID auto, 51-step temperature programmer controller (Temp. accuracy +/- 1oC)
- SCR (Silicon Control Rectifier) Controller & Trigger)
- Long life Platinum/Rhodium “B” type thermocouple
- Control panel instrumentation
1 KVA, plugs to any 220 Vac 10 A outlet (1 phase)
- Very low power consumption, only 700 watts needed to maintain operating temp. at 1700oC
- Safe and easy operation
- Long-lasting performance
- One year warranty on all electric, electronic parts